Exam Information

Exam Information

GCSE results 2024

GCSE results day on Thursday 22nd August was such a lovely event and we were so pleased to welcome many parents, grandparents and siblings along to share in the success of our 2024 cohort of students.

We are happy to report an increase in the % of students achieving 5 GCSEs at grade 4+ and an increase in the % of students achieving 5 GCSEs at grade 5+.  There was also success for those students who opted for the English Baccalaureate qualification, which includes a humanities subject as well as a language, where we saw a pass rate that was in line with all schools across the country.

Further data for Kingsdown School can be found HERE

Statement of Entry

All candidates receive a statement of entry from school indicating the subjects they are being entered for and the levels of entry, where applicable. Please check that these are correct. Some subjects only have one tier of entry; some have Foundation & Higher tiers. Students must check everything on their statements of entry very carefully. Particularly check that all personal details (date of birth, spelling of names which must be their LEGAL forename and surname) are accurate as these will appear on certificates and it may be difficult to change them once certificates are awarded.

Exam Boards

The school uses the following exam boards: AQA, Edexcel Pearson, OCR, WJEC and NCFE.


External exam timetables are displayed on the school’s website and are also displayed on the Exam notice board in the main school building corridor. Prior to each exam series, students will receive an individual timetable with their own specific examinations detailing dates, times and duration of exams, as well as their examination rooms. Check this carefully. If students think something is wrong they need to see the Exams Officer immediately.

If a last minute change of tier for an exam entry is made at the request of the candidate or their parents then the fee for the amendment will be invoiced to parents.

Subject staff will inform students of dates of practical examinations/language speaking tests when dates are confirmed.

For any student who has a clash where two subjects are timetabled at the same time, the school will make special timetable arrangements. Students must check their individual timetable and see the Exams Officer if they are unsure of what to do. If they think there is a clash on their timetable that has not been resolved, they also need to see the Exams Officer immediately.

Morning (AM) exams will normally start at 0900 and Afternoon (PM) exams will start at 13:30. There are times where there are clashes with individuals are due to take more than one exam at the same time. In such instances an alternative arrangement will be put in place and you will be notified of this in advance.

Students must make sure that they know exactly when their exams are, especially whether they are morning or afternoon. Students should ensure that they allow enough time to get to school so if they are delayed for any reason e.g. traffic, they will still arrive in good time.

Please note that for exams in the afternoon, candidates may finish after 1500 and so arrangement will need to be made to collect students should this be required.


Students need to make sure that they bring in all relevant items for each exam, e.g. compasses for a Maths exam. Students should also make sure that they bring in black pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and a sharpener in a CLEAR (not coloured or tinted) pencil case or plastic bag. Do not use correcting pens, fluid or tape, erasable pens, highlighters or gel pens in your answer..

Where calculators are allowed for the exam they must be free of lids, cases and covers. Students are responsible for clearing the data in their calculators prior to taking any exams. Students should check the regulations in the ‘Notices to Candidates’ which are on the JCQ website and are also linked below.

Examination Regulations

Notices to candidates which are issued jointly by all the examining boards are available to view on the JCQ website; they are also linked below. All
candidates must read them carefully and note that to break any of the examination rules or regulations could lead to disqualification from all subjects. The school must report any breach of regulations to the examinations board.

Attendance at Exams

Candidates are responsible for checking their own timetable and arriving at school on the correct day and time, properly dressed in school uniform and with the correct equipment. Candidates must arrive at the specified venue 15 minutes prior to the start time of their examination. They should wait quietly outside the exam venue until instructed to enter. Candidates who arrive late for an examination may still be admitted but they may not receive any additional time. If special consideration applies then you must speak to the Exams Officer.

Full school uniform must be worn by all students attending school for examinations.

The majority of the GCSE exams will take place in the Kingsdown Sports Centre adjacent to Kingsdown Gate as per the mock exams process. The exceptions will be for those students taking their exams in the ASC Centre (they will continue to do their exams on the Main school site), the Art GCSE practical exam will take place in the Art Block classrooms, Modern Languages Speaking exams will take place in C block (the writing part will take place at the Sports Centre), DT Food Technology practical assessments will take place in D block.

Candidates must wait quietly outside for a member of staff to invite them into the venue. Once inside the room, exam board rules state that candidates must be silent. If there is any communication between any candidates it will be assumed that cheating is taking place and this will be treated accordingly. Candidates must not talk until they have left the examination room.

All items of equipment, pens, pencils, mathematical instruments, etc. should be visible to the invigilators at all times. Either a transparent pencil case or a clear plastic bag (without any writing) must be used. Pens should be BLACK ink or ballpoint. No correction pens, erasable pens or correcting tape/fluid are allowed.

For the Mathematics and Science exams, candidates should make sure their calculators conform to the examination regulations. If in doubt, they should check with their teacher. Remove any covers or instructions and make sure batteries are new. Candidates must also ensure that they have cleared anything stored in the calculator before using it for examinations. Please make sure that any alarms are turned off.

Do not attempt to communicate with or distract other candidates. Examination regulations are very strict regarding items that may be taken into the examination room. If candidates break these rules they may be disqualified from the examination.

Candidates are not permitted any web enabled sources of information such as tablets, mobile phones, MP3 players or smart watches in the examination room. Ideally these devises will all be left at home, however if this is not possible they should be switched off and be in bags.

If a mobile phone (or any other type of electronic communication or storage device) is found in their possession during an examination (even if it is turned off) it will be taken from the candidate and a report made to the appropriate exam board. No exceptions can be made and the school cannot be held responsible for accidental damage.

Food is not permitted in the examination room although water is allowed provided it is in a small, clear (not coloured or tinted) plastic bottle with the label removed. Filter and infusion bottles are not allowed.

Under no circumstances are bags or coats allowed into the examination room. Before going to their examination room, candidates should leave them in their locker or in the designated area. Please note that we cannot accept responsibility for personal belongings and would recommend that valuables are not brought into school.

Candidates must listen carefully to instructions and notices read out by the invigilators – there may be amendments to the exam paper that they need to know about.
Candidates must check they have the correct question paper – check the subject, paper and tier of entry. Candidates must not start writing until told to do so by the invigilator. All instructions should be carefully read and answers numbered clearly.

Candidates will not be allowed to leave an examination early. If they have finished the paper they are advised to use the remaining time to check over their answers and ensure they have completed their details correctly.

Candidates must check that they have completed the front of their answer books (and any supplementary sheets) with their candidate number, legal forename and legal surname.

Question papers, answer documents and additional paper must NOT be taken from the examination room.

If the fire alarm sounds during an examination, the invigilators will tell candidates what to do. They should not panic. If the room has to be evacuated candidates will be asked to leave in silence in the order instructed. Everything must be left on the desk. During this period of evacuation, examination regulations still apply and candidates must not communicate with other candidates or any other person. They will be escorted to a designated assembly point. On return to the examination room candidates must not start writing until the invigilator tells them to. Candidates will be allowed the full working time for the examination and a report will be sent to the exam board detailing the incident.

Absence from Exams

If difficulties are experienced during the examination period (e.g. illness, injury, personal problems) please inform the school at the earliest possible point so we can help or advise.

Only in exceptional circumstances are candidates allowed special consideration for absence from any part of an examination. It is essential that medical or other appropriate evidence is obtained and given to the Exams Officer without delay in all cases where an application is to be made for special consideration.

Parents and candidates are advised that the school will require payment of entry fees (approximately £29 - £73 per subject) should a candidate fail to attend an
examination without good reason and without informing the school.

Please note that misreading the timetable will not be accepted as a satisfactory explanation of absence.

Parents are asked to refrain from arranging family holidays when examinations are taking place and if absence permission for this purpose is sought, authorisation will not be given, and if taken Parents may be liable to pay for the entry fees for the candidate (approximately £29 - £73 per subject).

Mock Exams

Mock GCSE examinations are extremely important as they give students the external examination experience and ensure they are familiar with regulations and procedures to prepare them for the forthcoming GCSE examinations. The results also provide an indication of the GCSE grade that a candidate would have gained if it had been the real examination. Students will be able to see whether they are on target and establish the areas of study which need attention. It is worth noting that in some subjects the results are taken into account when determining the tiers of entry for the GCSE examinations students will be taking in the summer.

For these reasons, the internal examinations are run on the lines of the external GCSEs and the same rules and regulations regarding equipment, uniform, attendance, and absence apply.

Students are encouraged to make the most of this series of examinations in terms of preparation and performance.

Exam Regulation Notices

8.1 Information for Candidates – Controlled Assessments

8.1 Information for Candidates – Coursework

8.3 Information for Candidates – Non Examination Assessments

8.4 Information for Candidates – On Screen Tests

8.5 Information for Candidates – Privacy Notice

8.6 Information for Candidates – Social Media

8.7 Information for Candidates – Written Examinations

9.5 No Mobile Phone Poster

9.6 Warning to Candidates

Use & Provision of Calculators


Beats - Pride
Beats - Ambition
Beats - Stretch
Beats - Challenge
Beats - Respect
Beats - Responsibility